The universe has lower and upper bounds

Tags: #[[the complexity of this universe]]

Reddit community, Do You Believe In A Fractal Universe?

Despite what is written in some, often non-scientific sources, the universe is not fractal.

Fractals are everywhere in nature. Observable with the naked eye, a telescope and a microscope. In observing the growth of a fractal, I believe you can understand a lot about existence and the 'purpose' of it. Does anyone else share the belief that the universe is one infinite fractal? This makes sense to me because I believe that time and space are relative. I don't think that there is any sort of barrier that separates the infinitely small from the infinitely large from the infinite middle-ground that we consider our home. Our middle-ground is infinitely large at one scale and infinitely small at another. The 'middle-ground' is the observers perspective in an endless gradient of metaphorical gears turning. Each point in a constant balance of being infinitely insignificant yet infinitely significant simultaneously.

In other words, our universe is a 'cell' or 'atom' to cosmic 'organism' or object- which exists as an 'atom' to something yet larger- which goes on forever. The same thing happens when we look at the smaller scales. In my view, there is literally as much universe inside of you as there is outside of you.

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The universe doesn't scale like a fractal. One can "zoom in" on a fractal infinitely and it is always basically the same thing. The same cannot be said for the universe. There is a lower bound to size (the "Planck Length"), and upper bound to size (the size of the universe, or the cosmological horizon, depending on how you consider it), and at all the sizes in between different forces have different relative strengths. The universe as it works on the large scale has little resemblance to how it works on the small scale.